

Hey friends.
I finally took the plunge. The plunge in creating my own personal blog.

Some of you may know me from my teaching blog- First Grade Frenzy.

Over there you will find teacher ideas mixed in with so me other randoms.
I was feeling a bit horrible because I was using that blog as a personal outlet too.
Airing my dirty laundry to fellow teachers, who were probably only there to get some new ideas to use in their classrooms.

So thus....a new blog is born!

It is still a work in progress & I can't wait to share some amazing and exciting things that are happening here at Behind the Scenes.
Ok, I can't keep it to myself forever---here are some hints-

{365 day challenge}
{Amazing blog designer named Laura}
{A huge giveaway with some pretty amazing ladies}

Pink Lemonade

Those are just a sneak peak of who's participating in this giveaway!

I will be making quite a few posts that were formerly over on First Grade Frenzy. Recipes don't exactly belong on a teaching blog, nor do my attempt at crafting for my home.
Please hang with me while I work out the final kinks & get this baby of mine in motion.