Ok, so you probably read that title & then looked at my follower section & went What? WHAT? This chick doesn't have enough peeps to be considered worthy of sponsorship & product reviews.
But, alas...I'm doing it!
When I started my teaching blog I never intended on making such amazing gal friends & loving it so much. To be honest, I didn't have much faith in myself. Like I probably wouldn't stick with it.
I'm so happy I did though.
And when I made the decision to leap into personal blog world, I got those nerves and doubt again. When I lost my job, I started to wonder what my plan was. What God had in store for me and my hubs.
Through the encouragement and inspiration I have found among all of you new gal friends, I believe this blog is 100% important in my life.
I have struggled with the idea of asking people to sponsor this blog or share products for reviews & giveaways. My dream is to be a stay at home mama. (And be a teacher until that happens, but total different story right there) I don't have any babies right now, God-willing it will be soon. If this blog can offer some sort of support to that dream of staying home, then I have to believe I should try.
My finances are in the complete {crapper} right now. Like seriously. We can't stay in our rented house anymore. (I promise that story is coming, I just have to squish my pride a little more before I'm ready to bare it all) So because of this, I'm offering a sponsor swap for right now.
What that means:
I put your shop/blog button on my blog & you put my button on your blog.
This agreement would be good for 3 months.
After that, I probably still won't have money but maybe I'll be at a better point to offer something.
Product reviews aren't asking for finances, so I would review the product you send my way by blogging about it, with my honest opinion. (in a reasonable time) If you are willing to offer up an additional product to share as a giveaway, I'd be grateful and thankful.
I'm excited to grow my blog & see where this journey will take me.
I'm hopeful that some of you will want to join me.
Who knows, this might be a flop & I might not get any emails. That will be okay too because I'll know God doesn't have that in the plans right now.
Either way, I'm loving making so many new friends & finding so much I can relate to when I am in blog land. My faith is growing by leaps & bounds because of a few sweet friends I have made.
That makes this worth it.
If you are interested or if you have more questions, please email me. (top of my blog roll on the right)