Well, I promise I'm coming back soon. Life has just been incredibly stressful lately. I'm talking so stressful, that I have a lovely mark on my lip to prove just how stressed I am.
Anyways, I wanted to just share about this amazing woman I have met through this adventure called blogging. Her blog was actually one of the first ones I started reading & girls, get your tissues ready because you WILL cry. Her story will touch your heart in a way that makes you sit back and think you need to be a little more like this...
Her precious family has been rocked to the core over the last year and a half. But her faith is so admirable and pure. The faith of her husband is nothing short of amazing. And the innocence of her beautiful little girl will melt your heart.

Libby is a young woman who has had more trials than I can begin to imagine. More struggle than I can begin to understand. And more strength than I think I will ever possess.
This is where you will want to start your reading. I think it's important for you to read her post about rejoicing before you delve into the journey that got here there.
{I'm not joking when I tell you to grab a tissue, better yet grab the whole box}
I (my Thirty-One business) am currently sponsoring her blog for the month of October. She has been a blessing in my life and she probably doesn't even realize it. Just the few emails we have sent back and forth have shown me just how genuine and sweet she is. I am excited to see where life takes her family next. And I am even more excited that I got to be part of helping her stay home with her adorable baby girl.
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