The turning leaves, cooler days, boots, sweaters, cider, donuts, football, soccer.
The list could go on & on.

It's an awesome day in my house when I get to change the Febreeze plug-in. Especially when it's time for a fall scent!

Next up-I get to start wearing my Ugg's again! I'm totally not one of those girls who wears them during summer. Hello? I mean it's 80 degrees outside and I'm not about to stuff my toes inside a lambskin boot. These mean it's time to get my rear in shape so I can literally squeeze myself into my skinny jeans , because I'm totally not fitting in them right now. (And how cute are those mini ones? Wishing I had a little to sport those)

How adorable is this outfit? I so wish I could rock yellow tights. I don't consider myself that bold so it probably won't happen, but I can dream.

Oh. My. Gosh. I die for this outfit. I want those boots, right now! The dress, the cardi, the belt! Love this. Such a great outfit for church on a fall morning.

Does this picture really need an explanation? I have been in deprivation because we don't have a Starbucks in my town. Yea, serious gasp right there! But, my sweet friend just informed me that there is a Starbucks kiosk in the local college here. And it's OPEN to the public! We are already planning a visit!

Fall decorations are the prettiest of all! I'm kind of sad I won't get to do a whole lot of decorating this year, but more on that a different time. Thankfully I have blogs & pinterest to keep me happy.

College football. No, I do not live anywhere near Norman, OK. But I have been raised to love the Sooners. My dad & I are serious University fans-and serious State haters.

Don't judge, ok? And if you do that's alright too. Sometimes I judge myself. I live south of Buffalo, went to school in Buffalo, and I route for Buffalo. Which means I spend the NFL season frustrated & sometimes disappointed. I have faith in you boys, do me proud this year. Please, I can't handle the ridicule from everyone in my fam anymore!

Fall colors. I love the trees during this season. Especially in my little neck of the woods.
What are you favorite things about fall? I'm not doing a linky party, but I'd love to see your favorites. So comment or post & let me know!
*Only 2 more days to enter the giveaway. Johnny In A Dress & Trisha B Designs are sharing some of their awesome products with one of you, my readers. Click below to go enter.*

I'm a Longhorn fan (I live in Austin), but I won't hold the Sooner thing against you ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog...happily following you back!
SO much fall goodness, I love it! Thanks for stopping bymy blog following u back
Girlll just found your blog! Love it already! :)
What a cute blog! Following back! I'm so stoked about the pumpkin spice latte too!
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