My sweet friend Allison from Feeding My Temple tagged me in this fun blogger game!
(Then I got tagged by Miss Taylor over at The Presutti's too)
(Then I got tagged by Miss Taylor over at The Presutti's too)
Tag! You're it!
The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
1. I lived in North Carolina for 1 (very short, very fun) year.

2. I am a wife. To a very handsome man. He's funny too, so that's a plus!
3. I am addicted to Tim Hortons. You would be too if you lived in North East America.

4. I was in a commercial in 3rd grade. It was for the 90’s version of girl scouts. I got to miss school to film it & all my friends wanted my autograph. I was a big deal.

5. I live in hats, vests, & boots. No joke. I have at least one of these on every day.

6. I get excited when Nick @ Night plays shows like Growing Pains, The Facts of Life, Sister, Sister, Secret Life of Alex Mack, Boy Meets World, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Saved by the Bell… It makes me want to put on some stick-on earrings & play mall madness & mash.

7. I often feel like this. Which is probably why I don’t lose weight. Cake, it’s just so good.

8. I could survive on microwave popcorn (extra butter) & sweet potatoes (extra butter) for the rest of my life & never get tired of them! (this fact probably contributes to #7...)

9. I hate walking up the stairs in front of my hubby when the lights are off. He thinks its fun to scare me.

10. See image below.

11. Blogging has introduced me to some of my closest friends.

Allison’s Questions for me:
1. What is your middle name?
Kaye (often misspelled as “k” or “kay”)
2. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towels ever again, which would you rather not wash?
Serious girl? umm I’m going with never washing my bed sheets. I couldn't live without washing my bath towels. Don’t they get stinky after so many times being wet? I can’t handle that stale water smell.
3. When is the last time you played the air guitar?
Well you put the idea fresh in my head, so right now.
4. What is your favorite day of the week & why?
Tuesday, for sure! I have a coffee date w/ my 2 favorite friends! They usually end up giving me loads of advice & we laugh. A lot.
5. Are you true to the brand names of products/items?
No. Not on everything. I actually love most generic brand cereals over the brand name stuff. And as far as clothes go, I don’t discriminate. I’ll shop anywhere.
6. If you could move somewhere else, would you? If so, where?
Tricky, tricky question. The Lord has totally blessed us since we have been back in our hometown with an incredible church and amazing friends. But if I had to pick one spot to move, it would be anywhere warm. So south or west. Maybe Oklahoma, I hear there are some great people (& college sports teams) there. Or Arizona, got a sister in law & sweet friend there.
7. What song is stuck in your head?
Glow-by Britt Nicole
8. Are you a good tipper?
Uh..YES! I used to wait tables so I totally get the idea of a good great tip.
9. What is your favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Life.
10. Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night?
I wish. (And I don’t even have kids.) But I can sleep anywhere, anytime so I guess the whole 8 hrs a night doesn’t matter.
11. What’s one car you will never buy?
Ford Flex. Hearst. Need I say more?
Taylor’s Questions for me:
1. What was the best day of your life?
My wedding day. It was an outdoor wedding & the skies opened up and poured rain down. Everyone got wet, nobody could really hear what we were saying, and my dress got dirty. But as soon as the pastor announced me & my man as hubby & wife, it stopped raining, the sun came out, and there was a beautiful rainbow. It was special.
2. What is your favorite tv show?
I am currently loving Hawaii Five-O. I mean come on, are Stevie & Danno not the cutest guys ever. I also can't miss an episode of Blue Bloods or Big Bang Theory. (And, I hope this doesn't age me...but I might have squealed a little when One Tree Hill came back on the air last night!!)
3. What was your favorite vacation spot?
I think it would have to be the Dominican Republic. That's where we honeymooned & it was so beautiful and relaxing that I'd love to go back every year!
4. What is your favorite fast food/restaurant meal?
If I had a Chick-Fil-A in my town, I'd be all over that probably every day! But since I don't I will resort to my favorite meal being Renna's pizza. It's this amazing family owned business with the most amazing pizza I have ever had. It doesn't compare to any pizza I have had in other cities, it's that good.
5. What's the best dessert recipe you know?
I don't really know its name but it involves brownies, rice krispies, & fluff. Enough said.
6. What is your favorite chick flick?
Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion :)
7. What is your favorite book?
I love anything by Karen Kingsbury & I have read every single Stephanie Plum book by Janet Evanovich. I read about a book a day so this is a reallllly hard question! I love all books!! I'm super bummed when I finish reading.
8. What are your favorite pair of shoes?
Probably any/all of my boots. I have a million of them.
9. What is one thing you are OCD about?
Having my clothes color coded in my closet. I have loosened up a little bit because of our certain circumstance, but it drives me crazy when I have a blue sweater then a white sweater then another blue sweater!!! That's just not how clothes should be treated.
10. What is a fun DIY project that you did and loved?
Ummmm I don't know!!! I don't consider myself much of a crafter....yet! Although my camera strap was pretty rockin :)
11. What is your favorite way to accessorize an outfit?
A scarf! I wear scarfs almost every day in the colder months. When it is freezing out, that's the easiest way to warm up!
My 11 questions for you:
1. How many siblings do you have?
2. What is your favorite board game?
3. If you had to pick between Coke or Pepsi, which one would you choose?
4. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
5. What is the most played song on your iPod?
6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
7. If you could be on any sitcom, what would it be. Which character would you be & why?
8. Would you rather have a paper cut or stub your toe or hit your knee on a table?
9. What is the one thing that will always, never fail at making you laugh?
10. Say you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
11. Which blogger would you most like to meet in person?
Hahah! This post was too cute & funny! My husband likes to scare me too :( Lol! Loveee your blog girl! :)
So glad that you participated. Where did you stay in the Dominican? Did it have clear water and white sand?? I love Chick Fil A too, probably my fav fast food, I could it it every day! And boots and scarves, awesome. And your wedding day story, simply amazing :)
Ohhh fun!!! Thanks for tagging me, Liz!
I love that picture of you guys dancing! I hope that is in a frame somewhere! I know what you mean about wasting a good outfit for no reason. Ha girl is ripped...what the heck! She hates cake. Clearly. sad.... :) Oh, and i love the quote about friends! :) Love you!
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