Last month, my GLOW girls went ice skating. First let me start by saying how much fun it was! Then let me tell you that we decided to go on one of the nicest days of the month. I’m talking temps in the 60’s, sunny, beautiful. Which resulted in most of us not wearing heavy winter jackets anymore. So imagine MY surprise when I walked in the the rink and it was frigid cold. I mean who do they think they are? Making it unnaturally cold in there when it was so naturally warm outside!! Most of the girls came prepared, with layers…gloves, hats, extra layers. But mainly because their mom’s were being, well, moms. And this chick here isn’t one of those yet, so I went in not the warmest jacket & without gloves or a hat.
It was all good though. It just forced me to get (stay) on the ice to keep my blood pumping!!
We had moms & dads & siblings tag along too!

It really was a great event! Next year, though, I’ll be much more prepared!
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