
Store It.

Someday, when I’m back in my own little home, I’ll be tackling the whole storage game again. You know the one where you have a million things that you just have to keep, but really have no where to store. Yea, that game is one that apparently I enjoy playing because instead of getting rid of things, I try to put them out of site. but have a tough time doing that without using a ton of different rubbermaid totes. So of course I went to pinterest to save up some ideas!

Storage Benches
diy storage benches
storage under stairs
clever storage! #stairs, #storage
Storage Options;)
Storage Solutions

All fun right? And just because I love closets..enjoy 2 of my favorites floating around pinterest right now!


What are some of your favorite ways to either hide or showcase your stuff?

{All images can be found via my "dream home ideas" board on pinterest}