


Sorry for being so absent this week. This is really the first time I’ve opened the computer & felt the urge to blog. I’ve been around though. Catching up on all of your fabulous posts. But as for me writing one of my own? Well that just hasn’t been a priority this week. And I’m ok with that. I think it’s important sometimes to step back. Step back and just live life instead of stressing about documenting it. I’ve been going through some things lately. I’m not ready to broadcast those things just yet. But know that I WILL come out stronger. I will come out feeling renewed. I will come out with a hope so dependent on the Lord. Perhaps my lack of desire to blog these past few days has been a direct command from the big man upstairs urging me to focus on something much more important. My marriage. My faith. My ministries. My friendships. My family. Basically everything else. Yes, I love this little bit of internet real estate. And yes I feel unashamedly lost when I don’t get to check in on all of my friends & share about my own adventures. But is it really the most important part of my life? No. I can honestly say no. At the end of the day, this blog doesn’t keep me warm & cuddly. So for now, I’m focusing on the things that do. Don’t worry though, I’ll be back. I have plenty of stories to share. And sooner, rather than later, I’ll have my priorities in tip top shape enough to devote time into this slice of life I have through this blog. And the friendships I’ve formed with many of you, well those are some of the deepest & truest I have found. Thank you for loving me. And my family. And all my problems. Someday, I pray I have the chance to return the feeling.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matt. 5:7-9

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