Dear Friday, Thanks for showing up! I wasn’t really anxious for you, but who can deny the excitement of what Friday means! Dear Hubby, you texted me from across the room & you used a hashtag. Yea. You’re cool like that. Dear Life, you are rocking my world this week. Seriously. Prayers are answered and God is quickly showing me exactly where I’m meant to be. It’s amazing. Dear Water with Cucumber, I love you. The headaches I get from trading out my iced coffees for you, not so much. Ahh the life of a coffee addict.
Dear Summer, you are flying by! Slow down puh-lease. We are already in August & it may be breaking my heart a little. Dear Friends having/with babies (1, 2, 3, 4, , etc.), you are all fueling my baby mama fever! Following you on facebook & instagram might be the wrong thing to do, but I just can’t stop. Luckily, number 1 lets me love on her little itty-bitty anytime I want to! Dear Hubby, thanks for the new hat. You know me so stinkin well.
you look adorbs in the hat! sweet husband!
Have a great weekend!! Stop by and say hi!
My mom has had water with cucumber before & loved it! It sounds a little weird to me, but I want to try it!! ha! You're too cute!
YUM! Cucumber water!! Think I will have to try that :)
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