
7 months of Emma.

A bit unlike the ones you’ll see floating around blog land, my monthly updates for Emma haven’t happened. Mainly because I was avoiding this place like the plague because I didn’t want to face anything about the first month of E’s life.

But because I like putting things together to compare, here are months 2-7. Month 1 was the day we brought her home from the NICU & I wasn’t thinking like a control freak who would be mad I didn’t get a picture person then. And month eight will be up later this week…well because..nope no excuse on that one since she’s already 8 months old.

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teeny, tiny & the first official monthly growth picture. also an image that I can’t help but feel should have been an indicator of what was to come with E’s hips.

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in the harness & a memory of when it was actually white. which lasted all of 1 day.

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still rocking the harness look & clearly unhappy about the photo shoot. girl had no time for photos then. but now, she sees my iphone cover & starts modeling.

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definitely not easy to get this girls full body in a picture with this harness. also why didn’t I change that messy bib?

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freeeeeedom! oh those toes are the cutest ones I’ve never seen for 3 months! and a peekaboo of her fluffy bum.

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high five err fist pump for being the cutest baby around. I mean really.

And last week my sweet girl turned 8 months old. EIGHT! How is that even possible? My mom texted me to tell her happy birthday & I might have sobbed a little thinking about how quickly the past 8 months have gone. Perspective is a jerk sometimes. In a good way. A way that can make 5 weeks feel like the longest span of time in the history of ever, yet can make 8 months feel like the quickest span of time in the history of ever too. I mean, didn’t I just birth this baby? I look at that two month picture & don’t remember E ever being that tiny. I might have just spent way too much of her naptime looking at old instagram posts & crying over her growth. (physical growth of course) and ughhm mine too.(spiritual growth of course) She is becoming this little person, with a little personality. And attitude. And preferences. And I can’t help but want to stink eye the ladies who tell me it goes too fast. BECAUSE THEY’RE TELLING THE TRUTH PEOPLE. It does. It really does go too fast.

I’m afraid to blink in case she suddenly becomes a teenager or something…


Katie said...

i can't believe how fast time goes!! but then how slow some days seem! I'm sure it will be like that forever with our babies! I cry when I look at baby pictures of addilyn - it doesn't seem like it even happened! emma is ADORABLE!!! come play with us :)

trustxthis said...

She is just too precious!!