Today is one week from the day that will hold our first GLOW event.
GLOW stands for Girls Lighting Our World.
And that's exactly what we intend to do.
Won't you come along beside us & help encourage those sweet young girls in your life?
They need it. Believe me.
They have broken hearts and trials that a girl of 11 shouldn't have to face.
Maybe this video that they put together will get you on board?
Maybe this video will show you that these girls are crying out. They are searching.
Let's be the ones that show them just how to shine for the Lord.
Please be praying this week that the Lord will speak through me. He will give me the words to teach these girls how to live a life of truth & faith. Pray for the other ladies that are working along side me to make this group a success. Pray for the girls. That they will come with open hearts (and ears) to receive what the Lord wants to show them.Whether 2 girls show up or 10 girls come, we WILL make a difference.