
Baby E. 25 Weeks

{26 weeks today}

25 Weeks edited
Baby E’s Stats

Baby: Little miss is the size of a cauliflower or about 13 1/2 inches and over a pound & a half! She’s getting big! She’s also developing finger/toe nails! Her hair is growing too!! If only we could see it, I’m a little paranoid I’m going to get a baby girl with bright red hair like her daddy had as a baby!

Sleep: Still not getting much. I just toss & turn so much. I feel bad because M is noticing & I think I’m keeping him up too. I did get a glorious 5 hour stretch the other night. Is this my bodies way of preparing me for middle of the night feedings?!?

Clothing: I’ve added a skinny belt to the mix. I needed to add some type of shape to this body of mine.

Food Cravings/Aversions: There really wasn’t anything I’ve been dying to have this week. M is happy about this, I’m sure!

Symptoms: Tailbone pain is still going strong. And it’s Monday, so it will be increased now that I’m back to work & sitting in my dreaded desk chair again. I’ve also started getting such a tight feeling by the end of the day, like my belly is just about to explode!

Movement: She is on the go a lot! She has been camped out on the right side of my belly! It’s so hard on that side & much squishier on the other side. It gets so tight sometimes, so I’m giving her little “pushes” to move her little tooshy.

Doctor’s Appointment: Not until 27 weeks & then I believe I’m down to an appointment every 2 weeks. Doesn’t seem possible!

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are overcome with joy! If you missed our announcement, you can see it here. And the suspense of her name is gone too! She will be our little Emma.

Best Moment of the Week: Lexi got to see her kick & I think the grin on her face was priceless! E doesn’t like to have hands on my belly, unless they’re daddy’s, so I’ve had to resort to silently tapping people when she’s moving so that they can watch her.

Thoughts: I just can’t wait to meet her! That is all!


This is me saying “OUCH! Why did I think I could squeeze this body into non-prego jeans?!? Who do I think I am?”

1 comment:

Whitney Tomlin said...

You look so good! :) Charlee is the same way about kicking. I have to silently tell people to look. it's like they "know"! lol